Bone and Joint Disorders: Differential Diagnosis in Conventional Radiology by Francis A. Burgener, Martti Kormano, Tomi Pudas, 2nd ed.
Thieme, New York City, 2006, $139.95
Unlike other radiology textbooks that are more disease-oriented, the focus of this second edition of Bone and Joint Disorders is differential diagnosis based on radiographic findings. The style and format is very similar to another popular textbook co-authored by Burgener, Differential Diagnosis in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which sits within arms reach at my PACS reading station.
One of the strengths of Bone and Joint Disorders is the presentation of the differential diagnoses in tabular form, which allows for a quick and easy reference. Additional associated x-ray findings, and clinical information, are provided for each listed disease entity.
The numerous images -- some repeats from the first edition, others entirely new -- are high quality with good resolution. These images nicely demonstrate the radiographic finding being presented and it's particularly refreshing to see few arrows throughout this book. Too many textbooks and journal articles are littered with annoyingly large, or an excessive number, of distracting arrows and arrowheads.
Uncomplicated drawings compliment the radiographic abnormalities being discussed. In keeping with the changes in musculoskeletal imaging literature, the authors have added new disease entities (e.g. femoroacetabular impingement) and changed the names of few disorders, such histiocytosis X to Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
I highly recommend this comprehensive textbook for anyone who interprets bone and joint radiography. Bone and Joint Disorders will improve the diagnostic acumen of the general musculoskeletal radiologist, as well as the general radiologist, and should be very useful to the resident preparing for boards or specialist examination.
By Dr. Justin Q. contributing writer
May 17, 2006
Dr. Justin Q. Ly is a staff radiologist in the musculoskeletal section at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, TX.
The opinions expressed in this review are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of
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