Scott WilliamsNuclear MedicinePETPET Imaging GeneralScott WilliamsApr 2, 2002 PET Imaging General Physical Principles PET Cameras: Detectors/Crystals Time of flight System dead time Image acquisition: 2D vs 3D Attenuation Correction PET scanner quality control PET/CT PET/CT artifacts Advantages of PET- quantification Standardized uptake value (SUV) Normal tracer distribution PET agents and their uses FDG FDG doses estimatesLatest in PETPET > PET tumor imaging > Neuroendocrine tumorsApril 14, 2021PET > PET tumor imaging > Head and Neck TumorsMarch 12, 2018SponsoredRegister for a FREE Webinar March 19 @ 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ETMarch 7, 2025PET > PET tumor imaging > Prostate cancerJanuary 20, 2016Related StoriesPETPET Imaging General TopicsPETPET > PET tumor imaging > MelanomaPETPET > PET tumor imaging > Other neoplasmsSponsor ContentElevate your patient's care with the capabilities of Cardiac PET/CT