Table of Contents, July 2001 Issue, Vol.220:1

Focus on Imaging
By Marta Hernanz-Schulman and Gerald Schulman
Focus on Imaging at the American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting
Radiology 2001 220: 1-2.

Special Reports
By Kelly K. Koeller
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 2001-2002 Distinguished Scientists
Radiology 2001 220: 5-6.

By C. Daniel Johnson
Pancreatic Carcinoma: Developing a Protocol for Multi-Detector Row CT
Radiology 2001 220: 3-4.

State of the Art
By Susan G. Orel and Mitchell D. Schnall
MR Imaging of the Breast for the Detection, Diagnosis, and Staging of Breast Cancer
Radiology 2001 220: 13-30.

Breast Imaging
Christiane K. Kuhl, Nuschin Morakkabati, Claudia C. Leutner, Alexandra Schmiedel, Eva Wardelmann, and Hans H. Schild
MR Imaging-guided Large-Core (14-Gauge) Needle Biopsy of Small Lesions Visible at Breast MR Imaging Alone
Radiology 2001 220: 31-39.

By David K. W. Yeung, Humairah S. Cheung, and Gary M. K. Tse
Human Breast Lesions: Characterization with Contrast-enhanced in Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy-Initial Results
Radiology 2001 220: 40-46.

Diagnosis Please
By Nancy Rollins, Timothy Booth, and Michael Biavati
Case 40
Radiology 2001 220: 190.

By Joel M. Schwartz
Case 36: Bilateral Cervical Spondylolysis of C6
Radiology 2001 220: 191-194.

Emergency Radiology
By Andreas M. Herneth, Alexander Siegmeth, Till R. Bader, Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah, Gerhard Lechner, Viktor M. Metz, and Florian Grabenwoeger
Scaphoid Fractures: Evaluation with High-Spatial-Resolution US-Initial Results
Radiology 2001 220: 231-235.

Experimental Studies
By Ichiro Yamada, Naoya Saito, Kimiya Takeshita, Norio Yoshino, Akemi Tetsumura, Jiro Kumagai, and Hitoshi Shibuya
Early Gastric Carcinoma: Evaluation with High-Spatial-Resolution MR Imaging in Vitro
Radiology 2001 220: 115-121.

By Uwe Himmelreich, Theresa E. Dzendrowskyj, Chris Allen, Susan Dowd, Richard Malik, B. Philip Shehan, Peter Russell, Carolyn E. Mountford, and Tania C. Sorrell
Cryptococcomas Distinguished from Gliomas with MR Spectroscopy: An Experimental Rat and Cell Culture Study
Radiology 2001 220: 122-128.

By Gundula Staatz, Claus C. A. Nolte-Ernsting, Gerhard B. Adam, Stefanie Grosskortenhaus, Bernd Misselwitz, Arno Bücker, and Rolf W. Günther
Interstitial T1-weighted MR Lymphography: Lipophilic Perfluorinated Gadolinium Chelates in Pigs
Radiology 2001 220: 129-134.

By Patrick Haage, Josef Tacke, Jan Bovelander, Joachim E. Wildberger, Bernd Klosterhalfen, Dierk Vorwerk, and Rolf W. Günther
Prototype Percutaneous Thrombolytic Device: Preclinical Testing in Subacute Inferior Vena Caval Thrombosis in a Pig Model
Radiology 2001 220: 135-141.

Gastrointestinal Imaging
By In-Jae Lee, Hyun Kwon Ha, Chul Min Park, Jeong Kon Kim, Jung Hoon Kim, Tae Kyung Kim, Jin Cheon Kim, Kyoung Sik Cho, and Yong Ho Auh
Abdominopelvic Actinomycosis Involving the Gastrointestinal Tract: CT Features
Radiology 2001 220: 76-80.

By Regina G. H. Beets-Tan, Geert L. Morren, Geerard L. Beets, Alfons G. H. Kessels, Kadri el Naggar, Etienne Lemaire, Cor G. M. I. Baeten, and Jos M. A. van Engelshoven
Measurement of Anal Sphincter Muscles: Endoanal US, Endoanal MR Imaging, or Phased-Array MR Imaging? A Study with Healthy Volunteers
Radiology 2001 220: 81-89.

By Jorge E. Lopera, Jorge A. Soto, and Felipe Múnera
Malignant Hilar and Perihilar Biliary Obstruction: Use of MR Cholangiography to Define the Extent of Biliary Ductal Involvement and Plan Percutaneous Interventions
Radiology 2001 220: 90-96.

By Nancy J. McNulty, Isaac R. Francis, Joel F. Platt, Richard H. Cohan, Melvyn Korobkin, and Achamyeleh Gebremariam
Multi-Detector Row Helical CT of the Pancreas: Effect of Contrast-enhanced Multiphasic Imaging on Enhancement of the Pancreas, Peripancreatic Vasculature, and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Radiology 2001 220: 97-102.

Genitourinary Imaging
By Ariadne M. Bach, Lucy E. Hann, Orna Hadar, Weiji Shi, Hyok-Hee Yoo, Catherine S. Giess, Joel Sheinfeld, and Howard Thaler
Testicular Microlithiasis: What Is Its Association with Testicular Cancer?
Radiology 2001 220: 70-75.

Head and Neck Imaging
By Bruno Randoux, Béatrice Marro, Fabien Koskas, Michel Duyme, Mokrane Sahel, Abderezak Zouaoui, and Claude Marsault
Carotid Artery Stenosis: Prospective Comparison of CT, Three-dimensional Gadolinium-enhanced MR, and Conventional Angiography
Radiology 2001 220: 179-185.

By André Gahleitner, Ursula Hofschneider, Gabor Tepper, Michael Pretterklieber, Susanne Schick, Konstantin Zauza, and Georg Watzek
Lingual Vascular Canals of the Mandible: Evaluation with Dental CT
Radiology 2001 220: 186-189.

Health Policy and Practice
By Howard Paul Forman, Jeffrey Traubici, Anne M. Covey, Daniel S. Kamin, John C. Leonidas, and Jonathan H. Sunshine
Pediatric Radiology at the Millennium
Radiology 2001 220: 109-114.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Wei-Tsung Chen, Tiffany Ting-Fang Shih, Ran-Chou Chen, Shin-Yan Lo, Chen Te Chou, Jiunn-Ming Lee, and Hsing-Yang Tu
Vertebral Bone Marrow Perfusion Evaluated with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging: Significance of Aging and Sex
Radiology 2001 220: 213-218.

By Christoph A. Binkert, Marco Zanetti, Christian Gerber, and Juerg Hodler
MR Arthrography of the Glenohumeral Joint: Two Concentrations of Gadoteridol versus Ringer Solution as the Intraarticular Contrast Material
Radiology 2001 220: 219-224.

By Kullanuch Chanchairujira, Christine B. Chung, Yeong Man Lai, Parviz Haghighi, and Donald Resnick
Intramedullary Osteosclerosis: Imaging Features in Nine Patients
Radiology 2001 220: 225-230.

By Colin P. Derdeyn, Anil Khosla, Tom O. Videen, Susanne M. Fritsch, David L. Carpenter, Robert L. Grubb Jr, and William J. Powers
Severe Hemodynamic Impairment and Border Zone-Region Infarction
Radiology 2001 220: 195-201.

By Micheal D. Phillips, Mark J. Lowe, Joseph T. Lurito, Mario Dzemidzic, and Vincent P. Mathews
Temporal Lobe Activation Demonstrates Sex-based Differences during Passive Listening
Radiology 2001 220: 202-207.

By Theodoor D. Witkamp, William P. Vandertop, Frederik J. A. Beek, Nicolette C. Notermans, Robert H. J. M. Gooskens, and Paul F. G. M. van Waes
Medullary Cone Movement in Subjects with a Normal Spinal Cord and in Patients with a Tethered Spinal Cord
Radiology 2001 220: 208-212.

Nuclear Medicine
By Robyn L. Birdwell, Kenneth L. Smith, Bradley J. Betts, Debra M. Ikeda, H. William Strauss, and Stefanie S. Jeffrey
Breast Cancer: Variables Affecting Sentinel Lymph Node Visualization at Preoperative Lymphoscintigraphy
Radiology 2001 220: 47-53.

By Tomio Inoue, Keiko Koyama, Noboru Oriuchi, Saleh Alyafei, Zhibin Yuan, Hideki Suzuki, Kazuo Takeuchi, Yumi Tomaru, Katsumi Tomiyoshi, Jun Aoki, and Keigo Endo
Detection of Malignant Tumors: Whole-Body PET with Fluorine 18 -Methyl Tyrosine versus FDG-Preliminary Study
Radiology 2001 220: 54-62.

Obstetric Imaging
By Bettina W. Paek, Fergus V. Coakley, Ying Lu, Roy A. Filly, John B. Lopoo, Aliya Qayyum, Michael R. Harrison, and Craig T. Albanese
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Prenatal Evaluation with MR Lung Volumetry-Preliminary Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 63-67.

Pediatric Imaging
By Kimberly E. Applegate, Carlos J. Sivit, Ann E. Salvator, Valerie J. Borisa, David L. Dudgeon, Anthony E. Stallion, and Enrique R. Grisoni
Effect of Cross-sectional Imaging on Negative Appendectomy and Perforation Rates in Children
Radiology 2001 220: 103-107.

Radiation Oncology
By Paul Wexberg, Michael Gottsauner-Wolf, Irene Sulzbacher, Peter Birner, Anton Laggner, and Dietmar Glogar
Fatal Late Coronary Thrombosis after Implantation of a Radioactive Stent: Postmortem Angiographic and Histologic Findings-Case Report
Radiology 2001 220: 142-144.

Signs in Imaging
By Isabelle Trop
The Twin Peak Sign
Radiology 2001 220: 68-69.

Special Reviews
By C. Douglas Phillips and Bruce J. Hillman
Coding and Reimbursement Issues for the Radiologist
Radiology 2001 220: 7-11.

Thoracic Imaging
By Susan J. Copley, Athol U. Wells, Michael B. Rubens, François Chabat, Ramon E. Sheehan, A. William Musk, and David M. Hansell
Functional Consequences of Pleural Disease Evaluated with Chest Radiography and CT
Radiology 2001 220: 237-243.

By Melhem J. A. Sharafuddin, Carl A. Raboi, Monzer Abu-Yousef, William J. Lawton, and Joel A. Gordon
Renal Artery Stenosis: Duplex US after Angioplasty and Stent Placement
Radiology 2001 220: 168-173.

By E. Brooke Spencer, Douglas H. Sheafor, Barbara S. Hertzberg, James D. Bowie, Rendon C. Nelson, Barbara A. Carroll, and Mark A. Kliewer
Nonstenotic Internal Carotid Arteries: Effects of Age and Blood Pressure at the Time of Scanning on Doppler US Velocity Measurements
Radiology 2001 220: 174-178.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Tito Livraghi, S. Nahum Goldberg, Luigi Solbiati, Franca Meloni, Tiziana Ierace, and G. Scott Gazelle
Percutaneous Radio-frequency Ablation of Liver Metastases from Breast Cancer: Initial Experience in 24 Patients
Radiology 2001 220: 145-149.

By Koichiro Yamakado, Atsuhiro Nakatsuka, Naoshi Tanaka, Ayumi Fujii, Shuji Isaji, Yoshifumi Kawarada, and Kan Takeda
Portal Venous Stent Placement in Patients with Pancreatic and Biliary Neoplasms Invading Portal Veins and Causing Portal Hypertension: Initial Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 150-156.

By Rajiv Sawhney, Robert K. Kerlan, Susan D. Wall, Timothy A. M. Chuter, Diego E. Ruiz, Catherine J. Canto, Jeanne M. LaBerge, Linda M. Reilly, Judy Yee, Mark W. Wilson, Jessie Jean-Claude, Rishad M. Faruqi, and Roy L. Gordon
Analysis of Initial CT Findings after Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Radiology 2001 220: 157-160.

By Erik K. Paulson, Douglas H. Sheafor, David S. Enterline, H. Page McAdams, and Terry T. Yoshizumi
CT Fluoroscopy-guided Interventional Procedures: Techniques and Radiation Dose to Radiologists
Radiology 2001 220: 161-167.

Technical Developments
By Richard I. Farb, Caitlin McGregor, Jae K. Kim, Matthieu Laliberte, J. Andrew Derbyshire, Robert A. Willinsky, Perry W. Cooper, David G. Westman, Gordon Cheung, Michael L. Schwartz, Jeffrey A. Stainsby, and Graham A. Wright
Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations: Real-Time Auto-triggered Elliptic Centric-ordered 3D Gadolinium-enhanced MR Angiography-Initial Assessment
Radiology 2001 220: 244-251.

By Jörg Barkhausen, Harald H. Quick, Thomas Lauenstein, Mathias Goyen, Stefan G. Ruehm, Gerhard Laub, Jörg F. Debatin, and Mark E. Ladd
Whole-Body MR Imaging in 30 Seconds with Real-Time True FISP and a Continuously Rolling Table Platform: Feasibility Study
Radiology 2001 220: 252-256.

By William R. Ferrell, Peter V. Balint, Colin G. Egan, John C. Lockhart, and Roger D. Sturrock
Metacarpophalangeal Joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Laser Doppler Imaging-Initial Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 257-262.

By Nobuhiko Hata, Masahiro Jinzaki, Daniel Kacher, Robert Cormak, David Gering, Arya Nabavi, Stuart G. Silverman, Anthony V. D'Amico, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and Clare M. C. Tempany
MR Imaging-guided Prostate Biopsy with Surgical Navigation Software: Device Validation and Feasibility
Radiology 2001 220: 263-268.

Letters to the Editor
By Thomas Albrecht, Martin J. K. Blomley, Stephanie R. Wilson, and Peter N. Burns
Characteristics of Hepatic Hemangiomas at Contrast-enhanced Harmonic US Drs Wilson and Burns respond
Radiology 2001 220: 269-270.

By James T. Rhea
Costs of CT
Radiology 2001 220: 270-271.

By Robert A. Bell
Radiology Department Overhead Expenses
Radiology 2001 220: 271.

In Memoriam
Mary D. Clark and Richard E. Buenger
By John W. Clark, MD
Radiology 2001 220: 272.

Book Reviews
The Encyclopaedia Of Medical Imaging. Vol 6, Neuroradiology and Head and Neck Imaging
Radiology 2001 220: 12.

Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: Clinical Features, Imaging, Pathology and Treatment. 2nd ed.
Radiology 2001 220: 236.

Abstracts of Current Literature
Radiology 2001 220: 273-280.

Author Information
Publication Information for Authors
Radiology 2001 220:

Manuscript Categorization Terms
Radiology 2001 220:

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Radiology 2001 220:

Transfer of Copyright and Certifications Agreement
Radiology 2001 220:

Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.

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