Table of Contents, September 2001 Issue, Vol.220:3

Special Notices
By Anthony V. Proto
Diagnosis Please Certificate of Recognition Awarded Again to Sergio Julio Moguillansky, MD Radiology 2001 220: 561-562.

By Anthony V. Proto
Award-winning Papers, Honored Lecture, and Medal Recipients
Radiology 2001 220: 588.

By Mervyn D. Cohen
Determining Costs of Imaging Services
Radiology 2001 220: 563-565.

Breast Imaging
By Timothy W. Freer and Michael J. Ulissey
Screening Mammography with Computer-aided Detection: Prospective Study of 12,860 Patients in a Community Breast Center
Radiology 2001 220: 781-786.

By Yulei Jiang, Robert M. Nishikawa, Robert A. Schmidt, Alicia Y. Toledano, and Kunio Doi
Potential of Computer-aided Diagnosis to Reduce Variability in Radiologists' Interpretations of Mammograms Depicting Microcalcifications
Radiology 2001 220: 787-794.

By Wei Tse Yang, Constantine Metreweli, Peggo K. W. Lam, and Jenny Chang
Benign and Malignant Breast Masses and Axillary Nodes: Evaluation with Echo-enhanced Color Power Doppler US
Radiology 2001 220: 795-802.

Cardiac Imaging
By Songshou Mao, Hamid Bakhsheshi, Bin Lu, Steve C. K. Liu, Ronald J. Oudiz, and Matthew J. Budoff
Effect of Electrocardiogram Triggering on Reproducibility of Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring
Radiology 2001 220: 707-711.

By Cheng Hong, Christoph R. Becker, Armin Huber, U. Joseph Schoepf, Bernd Ohnesorge, Andreas Knez, Roland Brüning, and Maximilian F. Reiser
ECG-gated Reconstructed Multi-Detector Row CT Coronary Angiography: Effect of Varying Trigger Delay on Image Quality
Radiology 2001 220: 712-717.

Diagnosis Please
By Mary L. Grebenc and Edward R. Zech
Case 42
Radiology 2001 220: 718-719.

By Ann S. Fulcher, Mary Ann Turner, and Arun J. Sanyal
Case 38: Caroli Disease and Renal Tubular Ectasia
Radiology 2001 220: 720-723.

Evidence-based Practice
By Johanna L. Bosch, Molly T. Beinfeld, Elkan F. Halpern, Jessica S. Lester, and G. Scott Gazelle
Endovascular versus Open Surgical Elective Repair of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Predictors of Patient Discharge Destination
Radiology 2001 220: 576-580.

Experimental Studies
By Kullervo Hynynen, Nathan McDannold, Natalia Vykhodtseva, and Ferenc A. Jolesz
Noninvasive MR Imaging-guided Focal Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Rabbits
Radiology 2001 220: 640-646.

By Stefanie Kuntz-Hehner, Jon Goenechea, Christoph Pohl, Thomas Schlosser, Christian Veltmann, Christoph Lentz, Stefan Lohmaier, Alexander Ehlgen, Heyder Omran, Harald Becher, and Klaus Tiemann
Continuous-Infusion Contrast-enhanced US: In Vitro Studies of Infusion Techniques with Different Contrast Agents
Radiology 2001 220: 647-654.

Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Jae Hoon Lim, Dongil Choi, Sung Ki Cho, Seung Hoon Kim, Won Je Lee, Hyo Keun Lim, CheolKeun Park, Seung Woon Paik, and Yong Il Kim
Conspicuity of Hepatocellular Nodular Lesions in Cirrhotic Livers at Ferumoxides-enhanced MR Imaging: Importance of Kupffer Cell Number
Radiology 2001 220: 669-676.

By Mi-Suk Park, Jeong-Sik Yu, Ki Whang Kim, Myeong-Jin Kim, Jun Pyo Chung, Sang-Wook Yoon, Jae-Joon Chung, Jong Tae Lee, and Hyung Sik Yoo
Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis: Comparison between MR Cholangiography and Direct Cholangiography
Radiology 2001 220: 677-682.

By Jill E. Jacobs, Bernard A. Birnbaum, Michael Macari, Alec J. Megibow, Gary Israel, Daniel D. Maki, Aimee M. Aguiar, and Curtis P. Langlotz
Acute Appendicitis: Comparison of Helical CT Diagnosis-Focused Technique with Oral Contrast Material versus Nonfocused Technique with Oral and Intravenous Contrast Material
Radiology 2001 220: 683-690.

Genitourinary Imaging
By Ewa Kuligowska, Matthew A. Barish, Helen M. Fenlon, and Michael Blake
Predictors of Prostate Carcinoma: Accuracy of Gray-Scale and Color Doppler US and Serum Markers
Radiology 2001 220: 757-764.

By Katherine Fong, Rose Kung, Alice Lytwyn, Maureen Trudeau, William Chapman, Patricia Nugent, Phyllis Glanc, Lee Manchul, Diane Szabunio, and Terri Myhr
Endometrial Evaluation with Transvaginal US and Hysterosonography in Asymptomatic Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Tamoxifen
Radiology 2001 220: 765-773.

Head and Neck Imaging
By Jichen Wang, Shodayu Takashima, Fumiyoshi Takayama, Satoshi Kawakami, Akitoshi Saito, Tsuyoshi Matsushita, Mitsuhiro Momose, and Tetsuya Ishiyama
Head and Neck Lesions: Characterization with Diffusion-weighted Echo-planar MR Imaging
Radiology 2001 220: 621-630.

By Albert van Dalen, Casper P. Smit, Theo J. M. V. van Vroonhoven, Huibert Burger, and Eduard E. de Lange
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Solitary Parathyroid Adenomas in Patients with Primary
Hyperparathyroidism: Role of US with Supplemental CT
Radiology 2001 220: 631-639.

Health Policy and Practice
By C. Craig Blackmore, William N. Zelman, and Noah D. Glick
Resource Cost Analysis of Cervical Spine Trauma Radiography
Radiology 2001 220: 581-587.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Jonathan L. Hobby, Adrian K. Dixon, Philip W. P. Bearcroft, Brian D. M. Tom, David J. Lomas, Neil Rushton, and Murray H. Matthewson
MR Imaging of the Wrist: Effect on Clinical Diagnosis and Patient Care
Radiology 2001 220: 589-593.

By Marco Zanetti, Louis A. Gilula, Hilaire A. C. Jacob, and Juerg Hodler
Palmar Tilt of the Distal Radius: Influence of Off-lateral Projection- Initial Observations
Radiology 2001 220: 594-600.

By Jon A. Jacobson, Peter J. L. Jebson, Andrew W. Jeffers, David P. Fessell, and Curtis W. Hayes
Ulnar Nerve Dislocation and Snapping Triceps Syndrome: Diagnosis with Dynamic Sonography-Report of Three Cases
Radiology 2001 220: 601-605.

By Yulin Ge, Robert I. Grossman, Jayaram K. Udupa, James S. Babb, László G. Nyúl, and Dennis L. Kolson
Brain Atrophy in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Fractional Volumetric Analysis of Gray Matter and White Matter
Radiology 2001 220: 606-610.

By Liesbeth Reneman, Charles B. L. M. Majoie, Jan B. A. Habraken, and Gerard J. den Heeten
Effects of Ecstasy (MDMA) on the Brain in Abstinent Users: Initial Observations with Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging
Radiology 2001 220: 611-617.

Nuclear Medicine
By Roelof J. Bennink, Leonie J. Rijks, Geertjan van Tienhoven, L. Arnold Noorduyn, Anton G. Janssen, and Gerrit W. Sloof
Estrogen Receptor Status in Primary Breast Cancer: Iodine 123-labeled cis-11ß-Methoxy-17-iodovinyl Estradiol Scintigraphy
Radiology 2001 220: 774-779.

Pediatric Imaging
By Nancy R. Fefferman, Kevin J. Roche, Lynne P. Pinkney, Michael M. Ambrosino, and Nancy B. Genieser
Suspected Appendicitis in Children: Focused CT Technique for Evaluation
Radiology 2001 220: 691-695.

By Victoria M. Gylys-Morin, T. Brent Graham, Judy S. Blebea, Bernard J. Dardzinski, Tal Laor, Neil D. Johnson, Alan E. Oestreich, and Murray H. Passo
Knee in Early Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: MR Imaging Findings
Radiology 2001 220: 696-706.

Radiation Oncology
By Roswitha M. Wolfram, Boris Pokrajac, Ramazanali Ahmadi, Claudia Fellner, Mariann Gyöngyösi, Markus Haumer, Robert Bucek, Richard Pötter, and Erich Minar
Endovascular Brachytherapy for Prophylaxis against Restenosis after Long-Segment Femoropopliteal Placement of Stents: Initial Results
Radiology 2001 220: 724-729.

Signs in Imaging
By Manish Goyal
The Tau Sign
Radiology 2001 220: 618-619.

Special Reviews
By The Evidence-Based Radiology Working Group
Evidence-based Radiology: A New Approach to the Practice of Radiology
Radiology 2001 220: 566-575.

Thoracic Imaging
By Takatoshi Aoki, Yoshinori Tomoda, Hideyuki Watanabe, Hajime Nakata, Takahiko Kasai, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Mantaro Kodate, Toshihiro Osaki, and Kosei Yasumoto
Peripheral Lung Adenocarcinoma: Correlation of Thin-Section CT Findings with Histologic Prognostic Factors and Survival
Radiology 2001 220: 803-809.

By Alain Luciani, Olivier Clement, Philippe Halimi, Damien Goudot, Frederic Portier, Vincent Bassot, Jean-André Luciani, Paul Avan, Guy Frija, and Pierre Bonfils
Catheter-related Upper Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis in Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study Based on Doppler US
Radiology 2001 220: 655-660.

By Martin J. K. Blomley, Paul S. Sidhu, David O. Cosgrove, Thomas Albrecht, Christopher J. Harvey, Rolf A. Heckemann, Jenny Butler-Barnes, Robert J. Eckersley, and Raffaella Basilico
Do Different Types of Liver Lesions Differ in Their Uptake of the Microbubble Contrast Agent SH U 508A in the Late Liver Phase? Early Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 661-667.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Peter F. Hahn, Debra A. Gervais, Mary Jane O'Neill, and Peter R. Mueller
Nonvascular Interventional Procedures: Analysis of a 10-year Database Containing More than 21,000 Cases
Radiology 2001 220: 730-736.

By Eberhard C. Kirsch, Mark S. Khangure, Gregory P. van Schie, Michael M. Lawrence-Brown, Edward G. Stewart-Wynne, and William McAuliffe
Carotid Arterial Stent Placement: Results and Follow-up in 53 Patients
Radiology 2001 220: 737-744.

By Jae Hyung Park, Jin Wook Chung, Joon Hee Joh, Soon Young Song, Sang June Shin, Kyu Sik Chung, Do Yun Lee, Jong Yoon Won, and Sang Joon Kim
Aortic and Arterial Aneurysms in Behçet Disease: Management with Stent-Grafts-Initial Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 745-750.

By C. Michael Gross, Jochen Krämer, Oliver Weingärtner, Frank Uhlich, Friedrich C. Luft, Jürgen Waigand, and Rainer Dietz
Determination of Renal Arterial Stenosis Severity: Comparison of Pressure Gradient and Vessel Diameter
Radiology 2001 220: 751-756.

Technical Developments
By Kay Nehrke, Peter Börnert, Dirk Manke, and Johannes C. Böck
Free-breathing Cardiac MR Imaging: Study of Implications of Respiratory Motion-Initial Results
Radiology 2001 220: 810-815.

By Stefan G. Ruehm, Tobias Schroeder, and Jörg F. Debatin
Interstitial MR Lymphography with Gadoterate Meglumine: Initial Experience in Humans
Radiology 2001 220: 816-821.

By Umamaheswar Duvvuri, Sridhar R. Charagundla, Sagar B. Kudchodkar, Jonathan H. Kaufman, J. Bruce Kneeland, Rahim Rizi, John S. Leigh, and Ravinder Reddy
Human Knee: In Vivo T1-weighted MR Imaging at 1.5 T-Preliminary Experience
Radiology 2001 220: 822-826.

Letters to the Editor By Ferris M. Hall and John H. Harris Jr
Emergency Radiology Dr Harris responds:
Radiology 2001 220: 827-828.

By Václav Simonovsky, Thomas Rettenbacher, Alois Hollerweger, Peter Macheiner, Lukas Rettenbacher, Florian Tomaselli, Barbara Schneider, and Norbert Gritzmann
The Specificity of Appendiceal Outer Diameter at US Dr Rettenbacher and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2001 220: 828-830.

By Simon D. Braun, Hannu I. Manninen, and Erkki T. Kaukanen
Brachial Arterial Access Drs Manninen and Kaukanen respond:
Radiology 2001 220: 830-831.

In Memoriam
By Peggy Jones Aycinena
Malcolm D. Jones, MD
Radiology 2001 220: 832.

By C. Mac Geyer
Frank Stuart Browne, MD
Radiology 2001 220: 833.

By Stanley S. Siegelman and Donna Magid
John P. Dorst, MD
Radiology 2001 220: 833.

Book Reviews
Nuclear Hepatology: A Textbook of Hepatobiliary Diseases
Radiology 2001 220: 668.

Diagnostic Breast Imaging. 2nd ed.
Radiology 2001 220: 780.

Radiology 2001 220: 831.

Abstracts of Current Literature
Radiology 2001 220: 834-840.

Author Information
Publication Information for Authors
Radiology 2001 220:

Manuscript Categorization Terms
Radiology 2001 220:

Business Information
Radiology 2001 220:

Transfer of Copyright and Certifications Agreement
Radiology 2001 220:

Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.

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