X-ray still reigns over diagnostic imaging in India

Dear AuntMinnieIndia Member,

Plain radiography may be passé in the age of MRI and multislice CT, but in terms of sheer utility and volume, the x-ray beats all other modalities hands down in developing countries such as India.

AuntMinnieIndia.com contributing writer Ravi Damodaran finds that a single hospital in Chennai does about 250 x-rays daily. Very few of the x-ray patients require further evaluation with MRI or ultrasound, offering a good reason why hospitals should opt for digital x-ray equipment, according to one radiologist in a government hospital.

In sonography news, researchers from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh evaluated the role of power Doppler in monitoring the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and found some useful results. The study was presented at the 2004 RSNA meeting in Chicago earlier this month, and AuntMinnieIndia.com brings you the findings.

For the latest in radiology trends and research from India, log on to www.AuntMinnieIndia.com. And don't forget to send in your own contributions and feedback to [email protected].

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