Links to computed tomography Web sites

The following are links to Web sites that provide information on computed tomography (CT) for radiology professionals. To suggest a site for the list, send e-mail to [email protected].

ACR Standards for Computed Tomography
Lists standards, in downloadable PDF format, for CT and other radiology procedures, by the American College of Radiology.

Computed Tomography Library
NetMedicine's CT library offers CT images of various pathologies.

Site dedicated to CT, by Dr. Elliott Fishman. Includes teaching files and spiral CT protocols.

Open-source CT simulation software.

Division of Physiologic Imaging
University of Iowa site dedicated to quantitation and visualization of anatomic structure and function using volumetric image display and analysis of mostly CT data.

European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Computed Tomography
Quality guidelines for reducing CT radiation exposure, produced by prominent European radiologists and physicists.
Site offers basic information on CT scanning, primarily targeted at patients.

Independent-minded CT scanner evaluation center sponsored by the Medical Devices Agency of the UK's National Health Service. Services include device evaluations, educational programs, and research and publications on CT-related topics.

Introduction to Computed Tomography Practice Standards
Provides information on standards required for CT technologists. PDF produced by American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

National Cancer Institute
NCI’s fact sheet on CT, geared primarily toward patients.

Radiation Exposure in Computed Tomography
White paper in PDF format on CT radiation dose, produced by the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological and Electromedical Industries (COCIR).

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