In 2006, the estimated average annual volume of CT procedures per FTE staff is 1,960 CT procedures per technologist FTE and 1,565 CT procedures per total staff FTE (technologists, secretaries/clerks/ transcriptionists, administrators, nurses).

Based on responses to IMV's 2006 CT Census Survey of U.S. Hospitals.
At hospitals, the average number of CT procedures per technologist FTE is estimated to be 2,045, compared to 1,715 at nonhospital sites.
AuntMinnie's IMV MarketStat is provided to AuntMinnie.com by IMV Medical Information Division, Inc. of Des Plaines, IL.
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MarketStat ArchivesPercentage of U.S. hospitals with DR or CR technology
Fixed PET versus PET/CT installed base
Nuclear medicine -- Camera installed base
Staffing configurations in diagnostic ultrasound sites, by staff type
Lead time for scheduling a screening mammography appointment
Mix of 2004 angiography catheter/stent budgets
Radiographic fluoroscopy installed base, by table configuration
Types of images used in radiation therapy treatment plans
Transmission of echo images
MRI sites having at least one power injector
Mix of CT scanners by detector type
Mobile versus fixed PET or PET/CT sites and scanners
Cardiac versus noncardiac cath lab cases
External-beam patients per external-beam treatment unit
Distribution of nuclear medicine cameras, by type
Proportion of filmless procedures
CT procedure volume per site
Angiography procedure volume
Percent of MRI procedures using contrast media
Staffing of fixed PET sites
Cardiac cath imaging systems, by type
Radiation oncology patient mix
Fluoro contrast use
Distribution of CT sites
Clinical PET procedure mix
Distribution of radiology information systems
PACS shared image archiving
Mobile MRI vs. fixed MRI sites.
PET procedures per site
Echocardiography staff productivity
Cardiac cath lab case mix
Radiation oncology -- distribution of external beam therapy units
MRI productivity
Fluoroscopy procedure volume per site
Angiography procedure volume
Number of planned CR purchases
Top planned PACS applications
U.S. nuclear medicine utilization by top 10 states
Angiography room productivity
Nuclear medicine productivity
CT productivity per device
Mammography procedures per mammography unit