Hot topic session probes evolving concepts in lung cancer

Tuesday, December 3 | 7:15 a.m.-8:15 a.m. | SPSH30 | Room E351
This Tuesday hot topic session on lung adenocarcinoma will examine the major changes in the management of CT findings brought about by the revised lung adenocarcinoma classification scheme.

With improving resolution of CT images, more small nodules and ground-glass nodules are being detected -- leading to a multinational effort to revise the pathological classification published in 2011 of what are largely adenocarcinomas. Part-solid nodules also have been found to confer higher risk than previously thought. The session will cover all of these issues.

Along with moderator Dr. Ella Kazerooni from the University of Michigan Health System, the session will feature talks by Dr. William Travis from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Dr. David Naidich from NYU Langone Medical Center.

"The international reclassification of lung adenocarcinomas has a significant impact on the way we manage abnormalities detected on thoracic CT examinations, particularly ground-glass nodules, in both the screening and diagnostic settings," Kazerooni told "Come learn how!"

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