AHA expresses concern about CT contrast shortage

2020 02 06 22 25 0448 Contrast Injector 400

In a May 16 letter, the American Hospital Association (AHA) expressed concern to GE Healthcare regarding the current Omnipaque CT contrast agent shortage due to lockdown of the company's manufacturing facility in Shanghai, China.

"America's hospitals, health systems and AHRMM [Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management] members depend on access to a consistent supply of GE's Omnipaque products to diagnose and treat a broad array of patients," wrote Ashley Thompson, senior vice president of AHA public policy analysis and development. "The recent shutdown of the GE production plant in Shanghai due to COVID-19 raises significant concerns about Omnipaque product availability."

The AHA urged GE to respond to the following concerns:

  • Omnipaque allotment expectations
  • Prioritizing distribution of the agent for critical services
  • Distribution expectations
  • Extending current Omnipaque supply
  • Managing demand for rescheduled medical exams and procedures

"The shutdown has had direct impact on America's hospitals' and health systems' ability to care for patients and concern remains that prolonged and reduced allocations of Omnipaque will continue to present serious challenges in the future," the AHA wrote.

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