Dear Professional Media Insider,
Steven E. Harms, MD, FACR, Professor and Director of Imaging Research, Department of Radiology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Join Dr. Steven Harms and Aurora Imaging Technologies for a free, sponsor-supplied Online Symposium discussing the advantages of dedicated breast MRI systems. Dedicated breast MRI systems can provide several key advantages for both staff and patients, including:
- Increased comfort for the patient
- Easier intervention and access to the breast
- Uniform breast stabilization
- Integrated imaging and lesion targeting
- Variable needle trajectory and more accurate needle placement
- Ability to sample multiple targets in the same session
See more breast MRI images:
When you're finished, feel free to post your comments and questions in the Clinical Advancements in Breast MRI discussion forum, which you can reach by clicking here.
To view other Online Symposia and AuntMinnieTV segments, click on the links in the archives below.