Online Symposium: SpiralRODEO: Revolutionary Technology for Breast Imaging

Dear Professional Media Insider,

2006 09 11 14 51 45 706
Steven E. Harms, MD, FACR, Radiologist, The Breast Center of Northwest Arkansas and Medical Director, Aurora Imaging Technology.

Join Dr. Steven Harms and Aurora Imaging Technologies for a free, sponsor-supplied Online Symposium discussing how the new SpiralRODEO™ system for for the Aurora® 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI System can boost image quality while cutting scan times and increasing efficiency.

Past breast MRI protocols have encountered a trade-off -- better resolution has required a sacrifice in temporal resolution. Now, because of SpiralRODEO's improved acquisition efficiency (3 times greater than traditional 3DFT reconstruction), resolution is dramatically increased along with a significant decrease in scan time for better dynamics.

The result of this new breakthrough is image quality far superior in clarity and contrast than ever before possible -- actually offering signal improvement comparable with that of 4.5 Tesla -- at a significantly less cost!

See the difference in these SpiralRODEO™ 3D images:

SpiralRODEO Sample Image SpiralRODEO Sample Image

When you're finished, feel free to post your comments and questions in the Clinical Advancements in Breast MRI discussion forum, which you can reach by clicking here.

To view other Online Symposia and AuntMinnieTV segments, click on the links in the archives below.


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