Kopp to launch new ferromagnetic detectors at RSNA show

Ferromagnetic detector developer Kopp Development plans to highlight a new generation of ferromagnetic detectors at the upcoming RSNA show in Chicago.

The Jensen Beach, FL-based company will unveil its FerrAlert Halo Series, which alarms only on detection of ferrous metals and marks the location of objects on the portal. Kopp Development offers FerrAlert Halo in two versions, Entry and Prescreen. Entry reduces the risk of ferromagnetic projectiles from entering the magnet, while Prescreen prescreens patients and personnel for the presence of ferromagnetic objects.

Since FerrAlert is passive and does not emit any radiofrequency (RF) or magnetic fields, it will not interfere with other devices or the imaging process, and is safe for patients with passive or active implants, according to Kopp Development.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
November 2, 2007

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