A gorilla at the Bronx Zoo has received an MRI brain scan, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) of New York City.
WCS asked the New York City-based Brain Tumor Foundation for help in evaluating Fubo, a 42-year-old western lowland gorilla who had suffered a seizure. Fubo is one of two adult males living in the Bronx Zoo's Gorilla Forest exhibit.
The gorilla underwent the exam in the Brain Tumor Foundation's Bobby Murcer Mobile MRI Unit. Staff at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine interpreted the images, finding that Fubo's condition was caused by a lesion in the left temporal lobe of his brain.
The Brain Tumor Foundation's Mobile MRI Unit has recently embarked upon a national campaign that promotes the early detection of brain tumors. The vehicle travels New York City and its five boroughs offering free brain scans, especially to those who do not have access to medical services.
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