Dear AuntMinnie Member,
This week in our MRI Digital Community we bring news from Italian researchers, who found that a novel MRI imaging technique could detect early brain changes that may signal the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer's.
The researchers used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) MRI to examine healthy individuals for signs of memory loss, and compared DTI to measurements of brain volume with a conventional MRI technique. They found that DTI did, indeed, predict memory impairment, but the jury's still out on whether the changes are early signs of pathology. Learn more by clicking here.
In other news, a U.S. team used MRI to detect signs of placenta accreta in pregnant women who had inconclusive ultrasound exams. The condition is especially dangerous because it often develops without symptoms, and it's the leading cause of death in women giving birth in the U.S. and in developing countries.
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Stand-up MRI scans kids with backpacks
Meanwhile, in our Pediatric Imaging Digital Community, U.S. researchers used an MRI magnet that can scan standing patients to examine the impact of heavy backpacks on the spine. You might be surprised -- especially if you have kids of your own -- at how much strain backpacks are putting on the kids who carry them.
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