Diagnosoft launches cardiac MR software

Image analysis software firm Diagnosoft of Cary, NC, is launching a new software application for analyzing cardiac blood flow using MR.

Diagnosoft Flow uses phase-contrast MRI to measure the velocity of blood flow through the heart and major vessels to help physicians visualize problems in valve performance, arterial stenosis, and other anomalies that can manifest in blood-flow irregularities. Because it is based on cardiac MRI, Diagnosoft believes that the software is well suited for patients who are contraindicated for traditional transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiograms.

The software automatically segments vessels and tracks changes in blood-flow velocity over time in up to four regions of the heart. These time-lapse images can help physicians identify valvular regurgitation and measure the progression of arterial stenosis. Diagnosoft Flow data and images can be printed via a report writer and exported to a Microsoft Excel data file or to a video file for review.

The company launched Diagnosoft Flow at last week's Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) meeting in Phoenix.

Related Reading

Diagnosoft adds to cardiac MR software line, November 26, 2009

Diagnosoft adds chief executive, financing, January 30, 2009

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