CAD system can quantify multiple sclerosis lesions

Thursday, December 2 | 12:15 p.m.-12:45 p.m. | LL-INS-TH1A | Lakeside Learning Center
In this poster presentation, researchers from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles will discuss developments with their multiple sclerosis lesion computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithm.

The multiple sclerosis (MS) lesion quantification system is one part of the institution's MS eFolder informatics-based patient record system, which integrates patient clinical and social information with MR images and a lesion quantification system, said presenter Kevin Ma.

The researchers aim to develop a total imaging informatics-based system for patient lesion tracking, decision support, and data mining and management for MS-related research, Ma said.

The team will share how they're planning to validate the lesion quantification algorithm's sensitivity and specificity with expert readings.

"The purpose of this study is to present an application that proves the concept of the patient-centric eFolder system," Ma said. "The success of this RSNA project would help complete the MS eFolder system as a reliable lesion tracking and disease management method, and make quantified lesion volume and size a query field for data mining for research."

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