Study reveals global preoperative breast MRI utilization

Thursday, December 1 | 11:50 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | SSQ01-09 | Room E450A
How do physicians use preoperative breast MRI scans for women with newly diagnosed cancer, and how effective is the modality in directing patients to the most appropriate treatment? This Thursday session will shed some light on these questions.

Dr. Giovanni Di Leo, from the Research Hospital at Policlinico San Donato in Milan, will detail preliminary results of the Multicenter International Prospective Meta-Analysis of Individual Woman Data (MIPA). As of March 1, 2016, 4,295 patients had been enrolled from 34 imaging centers in 14 countries. So far, 1,926 women (45%) have a complete case report from which researchers can glean multitudes of data.

Of those 1,926 patients, 972 (50.5%) had MRI before surgery. Among the women who have been imaged, MIPA has revealed the following:

  • Diffusion-weighted MRI was added to the standard protocol for 816 patients (84%).
  • The contrast agent gadobutrol (Gadavist, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals) was used in 680 cases (70%).
  • Cancer was diagnosed during MRI screening of 39 women (4%) and when "problem-solving" in 116 other cases (12%).

Preoperative MRI was ordered by a radiologist in 477 (58%) of 817 cases, while the request came from a surgeon 259 times (32%) and by both a radiologist and surgeon for 50 patients (6%). An oncologist alone or in combination with other physicians requested an MRI in 31 instances (4%).

Di Leo will share more results and additional insights during his talk.

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