BrainLab places Novalis at John Muir

Radiotherapy and radiosurgery software developer BrainLab of Munich, Germany, has installed its Novalis outpatient radiosurgery system at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, CA.

The technology continuously shapes the system’s treatment beam to match the size and shape of a patient’s tumor from all angles, ensuring that the tumor receives the full prescribed radiation dose while protecting healthy tissue, BrainLab said.

The technology was pioneered for the treatment of brain and head tumors and has been expanded to include extra-cranial radiosurgery with the capability to position a patient for treatment of tumors within the body, according to the company. Candidates for treatment include patients with benign and malignant tumors of the brain, head and neck, spine, lung, liver, and prostate, the firm said.

By staff writers
March 23, 2004

Copyright © 2004

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