A new survey indicates that a proposed 19% cut in federal payments for radiation therapy will cause many cancer centers to reduce services, deny treatment to Medicare patients, or close, according to the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) of Fairfax, VA.
On July 13, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) that would reduce radiation therapy payments by an average of 19% as of January 1, 2010. Reimbursement for some radiation therapy services would be cut by up to 44%.
ASTRO polled its U.S. members to determine how the proposed cuts would impact practices and patient care, receiving responses from some 515 members.
Responses revealed that some radiation oncology treatment centers, particularly community cancer centers located in suburban and rural areas, might face cuts of up to 31% of their revenue because of their particular patient mix.
Among rural practices, 47% said that they would be forced to close. Two out of five respondents with community-based practices would also close, and 60% of community practices with multiple treatment centers would close centers. Among responding community practices, 97% stated that the quality of care for cancer patients receiving radiation therapy would suffer due to the cuts.
Medicare patients would be denied service by 54% of the responding community practices, and 68% said they would limit the number of Medicare patients they treated, so they could remain financially solvent and not be forced to close, according to the survey.
CMS is requesting comments on its proposed changes through August 31, 2009. These can be submitted by writing to CMS, or they can be sent electronically by clicking here.
Related Reading
Medicare's equipment utilization rate: what it means for radiologists, July 14, 2009
CMS considers 21.5% physician pay cut in 2010, July 8, 2009
CMS pitches 90% use rate in proposed 2010 MPFS rule, July 1, 2009
Radiology rallies to fight more reimbursement cuts, July 1, 2009
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