Elekta renews ASRT scholarship commitment

Radiation oncology firm Elekta said it has renewed its partnership with the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Foundation to provide training scholarships through 2019.

The annual $23,000 contribution from Elekta will fund up to four scholarships per year of $5,000 each to entry-level students enrolled in accredited radiation therapy programs, ASRT said.

Scholarship candidates are chosen based on evidence of academic achievement, leadership, and financial need, the organization said. ASRT Foundation's scholarship review committee evaluates the applications and offers recommendations to the board of trustees, which then approves the slate of candidates.

Scholarship applications for the 2015-2016 academic year will be available November 1, with an application deadline of February 1, 2015. More information is available from the ASRT Foundation.

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