U-Systems debuts transducer technology

Automated breast ultrasound firm U-Systems has launched its new Reverse-Curve Crystal (RCC) transducer technology.

The ergonomic RCC design is intented to conform to the anatomic curve of women's breasts for enhanced comfort and imaging performance during an automated 3D ultrasound exam.

RCC also enables convergent scan line geometry, which allows ultrasound beams or sound waves to penetrate the skin perpendicularly, minimizing beam refraction and improving penetration and focus.

The technology is designed for use with the U-Systems' somo.v automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) system. As part of the launch, U-Systems introduced the C14-6XW (CXW) ultrabroadband transducer, featuring RCC technology.

The debut was made at the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) meeting this week in San Antonio.

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