ICUS meeting highlights CEUS research

The benefits of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) are being highlighted at the International Contrast Ultrasound Society (ICUS) Bubble Conference in Chicago.

Among many other presentations, ICUS is highlighting the following research delivered at the conference:

  • A team led by Dr. Dirk-André Clevert of the University of Munich safely performed CEUS scans in pregnant women with suspected liver tumors.
  • A group led by Dr. Misun Hwang of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia used CEUS to diagnose brain injuries in infants.
  • Researchers led by Dr. Amer Johri of Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, used CEUS to predict whether patients are at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

ICUS is dedicated to advancing the appropriate use of CEUS to improve patient care, the society said. Its members include physicians, scientists, and other ultrasound imaging professionals.

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