An unexpected error occurred: Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 500
    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
    "extensions": {

Exact Imaging taps EDAP as exclusive distributor

2019 12 19 00 53 5252 Hands Shaking Deal 400

Ultrasound technology developer Exact Imaging has named French therapeutic ultrasound firm EDAP as the sole distributor of its ExactVu microultrasound system in the U.S. market.

Designed to help urologists diagnose prostate cancer, ExactVu can image the prostate at a frequency of 29 MHz, according to the vendor. This yields 300% higher image resolution than traditional prostate ultrasound operating at 7.5 MHz, the company said.

EDAP will also have exclusive distribution rights worldwide.

        An unexpected error occurred: Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 500
    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
    "extensions": {