GE HealthCare secures 510(k) for updated Voluson Expert ultrasound

GE HealthCare (GEHC) has secured U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance for its updated portfolio of Voluson Expert Series ultrasound systems.

The latest tools include SonoLystlive, which can be used during 11- to 14-week gestational anatomical exams, and an expanded color Doppler offering, Graphicflow, for visualizing complex blood flow in differentiating normal from abnormal hemodynamics.

GEHC also noted enhancements to select Voluson AI tools, including SonoPelvicFloor3.0, which helps reduce pelvic floor measurement exam time by automating plane alignment, live C-plane tracking, and measurements, and SonoAVCfollicle2.0, which uses AI in follicle detection.

The Voluson Expert Series integrates AI-powered features and automation tools in women's imaging, particularly complex, high-risk pregnancies, according to GEHC. The systems are designed to be compatible with specialty probes, including the 2D/3D probe RAB7-D and wireless Vscan Air dual probes, GE said.

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