As medical insurance cutbacks make it harder for women to get mammograms, breast cancer screening is facing a reimbursement crisis, according to the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC). Lower reimbursement is one of many breast-health issues to be addressed at the National Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference, scheduled for March 19-21 in Las Vegas.
A presentation by Breast Health Management president and CEO Gerald Kolb will explore solutions to the reimbursement crisis in two sessions entitled, "Breast Center Economics from APCs to PSIs." Kolb’s talks will explain the ambulatory payment classification (APC) system, patient scheduling intervals (PSIs), and other productivity measures and tools to that can improve a breast center's financial performance, enabling it to offer more mammograms to more women, according to the NCBC.
Other sessions will cover such topics as medical malpractice, mobile mammography, new screening technologies, breast center development, and better ways to help patients live with breast cancer, said the NCBC, which is co-sponsoring the conference along with the University of Southern California.
For more information on the conference, contact the National Consortium of Breast Centers by phone (219-267-8058), by e-mail ([email protected]), or on the Web at
By staff writersFebruary 1, 2001
Related Reading
Higher digital reimbursements are no help for standard mammography, December 21, 2000
Low reimbursement threatens breast imaging services, November 30, 2000
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