Responsive - Three things to look for in your next online ad

Three things to look for in your next online ad

Welcome to the Partner Resource Newsletter, our website's online newsletter designed specifically to help our vendor partners -- just like you -- make the most of their online investment with us.

Every month in the Partner Resource Newsletter, we'll examine marketing issues and topics that are of interest to you. We'll also share with you how we can help you reach your marketing goals, and answer some of the most common questions we're asked by our vendor partners.

Three simple things to look for in your next online ad:
  • Does it speak to the user in a meaningful way?
    It's easy to make the mistake of assuming that everybody thinks about our products and services as much as we do. It's also easy to forget that we need to step outside of the marketing lingo and technical jargon and address the real issues and concerns that our users face. By addressing their issues first and then matching those needs to our product's benefits, we'll be more successful at getting the reader's attention and having them take action.

  • Does the user have a compelling reason to click on the ad?
    As marketers, we know why we want people to click on our ads, but the question is, are we giving the readers a compelling reason to do so? Our readers are highly focused on new content and on learning more about subjects of interest to them. You can take advantage of this desire by offering white papers, studies, tips and suggestions, testimonials, etc. If you don't have material available or have the time to create it, consider teaming up with a consultant or perhaps a business partner to help provide material. Our website offers Marketing Support Services to help you in this area as well (see the Marketing Support.pdf for more information). Compelling content may be the determining factor in whether your sales prospects follow through and click on your ad.

  • Does the ad's creative approach match your marketing goals?
    Ads designed to gather leads need to have a clear call to action, as opposed to ads focused on increasing product or brand awareness. If your desire is to collect leads, then be sure your entire ad presentation and creative approach lead people to taking the action you desire. Often the call to action is simply tacked on to the end of the ad or animation, and there is no tie-in to the rest of the ad.

    Likewise, if your primary focus is on building brand or product awareness, then it is important that your online presence mirror the look and feel of your print promotion and other marketing efforts. Consistent and repeated exposure will be important factors of success for your branding campaign.

Following these three simple suggestions will help users realize why they should click on your ads and learn more about the solutions and services your company offers.

Next month we'll look at some tips for making your e-mail broadcasts more effective.

Paul Davis
Director of Marketing
[email protected]
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