Radiology lists 2023's top cited articles

Radiology has listed its top cited articles for 2023, the first four of which all addressed the topic of ChatGPT.

In a commentary published on December 12, Radiology Editor-in-Chief Linda Moy, MD, highlighted the top article, which reported that ChatGPT shows promise for the following:

  • Simplifying preauthorization workflow
  • Summarizing electronic health records
  • Improving the interpretability of computer-aided diagnosis systems
  • Drafting matter for advocacy projects targeting political, economic, and social decisions

ChatGPT also has the potential to generate fake scientific works and be misused for image fabrication, Moy noted.

The second- and third-most cited articles explored the tool's use in medical writing, while the fourth tasked GPT-4 for post hoc transformation of free-text radiology reports into structured reporting as it related to a multilingual feasibility study. 

This year marked the 100th anniversary of Radiology in publication.

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