Dear AuntMinnie Member,
Advanced visualization software is breaking free of the confines of dedicated 3D workstations and is spreading throughout the healthcare enterprise. But making the best use of enterprise-wide 3D means more than just installing a few software updates on your PACS workstations.
Learn how to best implement enterprise-wide 3D by reading a new article we're featuring this week in our Advanced Visualization Digital Community. In the story, you'll learn about the rewards and challenges of enterprise-wide 3D, and what questions you need to ask before taking the plunge.
Read all about it by clicking here, or visit our Advanced Visualization Digital Community at
Conficker worm and IT
Unfortunately, there's another phenomenon that may be spreading throughout your healthcare enterprise, known as the Conficker worm. Although a major Conficker outbreak predicted for April Fools' Day failed to materialize, the worm has quietly been infecting computers worldwide -- including several hundred at healthcare facilities in the U.S.
Conficker forces infected computers to act as "zombies," reaching out over the Internet to receive instructions from the virus' creator, according to an article in our Healthcare IT Digital Community by staff writer Cynthia E. Keen. The implications are serious for any healthcare IT network administrator, of course, but there's been some confusion over just what PACS and IT vendors are able to do to implement software patches needed to stop a Conficker infestation. Find out how you can stop Conficker by clicking here.
In other healthcare IT news, learn about how a glitch in autofax software at a Canadian healthcare network resulted in nearly 1,500 radiology reports disappearing into limbo -- before they could be delivered to referring physicians. That story is available by clicking here, or visit the community at