The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced the availability of two additional grant programs to support the training and development of a skilled healthcare IT workforce to support its national electronic medical record adoption initiative.
The new grant programs, announced December 23, will award $32 million to establish university-based certificate and advanced degree health IT training programs and $6 million to develop a health IT competency examination programs.
These awards, in conjunction with $80 million in workforce program grants announced in November and December by the Obama Administration, acknowledge the critical importance and need to develop a well-trained healthcare IT workforce.
The ONC anticipates issuing approximately eight to 12 one-time funding awards to support academic programs for the University-Based Training Program. The awards will be for a 39-month project period. Applications from accredited four-year colleges and universities are due by January 25, 2010.
The agency anticipates issuing a single one-time funding award to support the development and initial administration of a set of health IT competency exams. The award is for a two-year project period with applications due by January 25, 2010.
Grants for both programs are expected to be announced in March 2010.
Related Reading
$60 million issued for HIT research grants, December 21, 2009
Obama issues HIT funding, December 10, 2009
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