Analytics tool tracks residents' study volume

Tuesday, December 2 | 3:40 p.m.-3:50 p.m. | SSJ13-05 | Room S402AB
In this talk, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania will present Capricorn, an analytics tool that helps residents keep track of how many imaging exams they've interpreted over time.

Capricorn was developed by second-year residents Dr. Howard Chen and Dr. Yin Jie Chen, who believed there was a need for this type of tool due to recent minimum interpretation requirements from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), said senior author Dr. Tessa Cook, PhD. The open-source, Web-based platform allows residents and fellows to track their volumes by variables such as study type, rotation, and call shift.

"Capricorn has been very well-received by the Penn residents and we are doing a multi-institutional collaboration to see if other places might be interested in implementing it," she said.

Chen has since expanded Capricorn's functionality to include report discrepancy analysis for cases that are read on call and subsequently reviewed by faculty who may disagree with the preliminary interpretation, Cook noted.

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