Road to RSNA 2008: PACS Accessories Preview

Institutions seeking to garner every possible amount of efficiency gains from their PACS purchase often turn to accessories, seeking the benefits that CD/DVD burners, PACS-specific furniture, film digitizers, imagers, and other workflow-enhancing software can provide. At this year's RSNA meeting in Chicago, current and prospective PACS users will have plenty of options to choose from to meet their specific needs.

Paa PdfOne of the biggest challenges that PACS administrators face today is dealing with managing and integrating studies from outside institutions into their PACS. To assist with this dilemma, vendors will be on hand this year with a range of technology, including offerings aimed at facilitating the import of exams from CD/DVDs, and gateways that can directly import images.

Other workflow enhancements on tap this year include brokers aimed at connecting imaging modalities and information systems, obviating the need for manual data entry by technologists. Companies also will present orthopedic planning software, as well as tools to assist with study routing and prefetching.

Those interested in browsing PACS furniture will again have a number of adjustable and ergonomic products from which to choose. Of course, there will also be plenty of imagers for RSNA attendees to select for their printing needs, including units targeted at digital mammography applications.

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