Research weighs iPad clinical utility

Monday, November 29 | 11:30 a.m.-11:40 a.m. | SSC08-07 | Room S402AB
In this scientific paper presentation, a study team from the University of Maryland in Baltimore will describe how the iPad fared when used to evaluate a screening chest x-ray for tuberculosis.

Believing that the iPad offers great potential to change how physicians interact with the electronic medical record (EMR), the researchers sought to test the device's utility and radiologists' perceptions of its image quality, according to presenter Frederick Weiss, MD.

Utilizing the iPad to determine whether tuberculosis was present or absent on plain chest radiographs, a variety of users at different levels of training judged the iPad monitor quality for primary diagnosis to be comparable to commercial-grade monitors, at least for this simple, dichotomous interpretation task, Weiss said. The vast majority of readers also rated the images as good or excellent.

"No significant difference was seen in the number of misdiagnoses when comparing the iPad to commercial-grade monitors, and while our study had too few observations to provide definitive support of the use of the iPad for primary diagnosis for screening chest radiographs, it increases our confidence for the use of the iPad display as an adjunct to the radiology report for clinicians as well as an educational tool," Weiss told

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