PACS vendor ScImage said the U.S. government has awarded the company a contract in the Digital Imaging Network - PACS (DIN-PACS) III program.
The DIN-PACS III contract continues for two years and is worth a potential $45 million. It includes imaging products such as PACS, diagnostic viewers, vendor-neutral archives (VNAs), dynamic workload allocation, clinical structured reporting, universal HTML5 image viewers, consolidated worklist, mobile device support, integration services, and support programs to be used by U.S. federal agencies. The entire ScImage Picom365 enterprise system supporting cardiology, radiology, orthopedics, obstetrics, and other non-DICOM diagnostic imaging solutions is available under the contract.
ScImage's prior contracts have included projects for the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, the Indian Health Service, and other agencies requiring DIN-PACS goods and services.