ECR 2005 closes with plans set for next year

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VIENNA - European Congress of Radiology president Professor Antonio Chiesa led the closing session of ECR 2005 today, appointing a new president to lead the organization toward next year’s meeting to be held in Vienna, March 3-7, 2006.

The incoming president, Professor Andreas Adam, is a consultant radiologist and chair of interventional radiology at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, University of London United Medical and Dental Schools. He spoke of his plans for next year’s meeting.

"The high number of participants demonstrates the strength of our European congress," Chiesa said. "Over this long weekend, the rooms of the Austria Center have remained full of, and sometimes overflowing with, interested radiologists. Our exhibitors have received our interest and attention. EPOS has seen the usual lot of visitors, and the basis has been established for another even more successful ECR in 2006."

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Left to right: Outgoing president Prof. Antonio Chiesa, outgoing board chair Dr. Helen Carty, and ECR 2006 president Prof. Andreas Adam, at the ECR 2005 closing session.
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Snow and ice greeted ECR attendees for the second year in a row at the Vienna International Center.

Accepting the presidential medallion from Chiesa, Adam said the ECR 2006 program was largely in place.

"Next year’s program includes a comprehensive categorical course on the staging of cancer, and another on thermal ablation," he said. "There will be a foundation course on musculoskeletal radiology, which includes another ECR first ... a self-marking fully electronic examination. There will be ECR Meets sessions with the U.K., with Singapore, and with Russia, and as always there will be a fantastic social program."

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ECR 2005, main hall at the Austria Center.

Adam thanked the ECR staff, outgoing ECR board chair Dr. Helen Carty, and Chiesa for their dedication and service. ECR is the most modern, exciting, and fun radiological congress in the world, Adam said.  "I hope very much that ECR 2006 will prove another milestone in its development."

By Eric Barnes staff writer
March 8, 2005

Related Reading

Nanotechnology and new horizons: A talk with the president of ECR 2005, March 3, 2005

ECR imagines radiology's future, March 3, 2005

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