Imaging Center Insider

Dear Imaging Center Insider,

Although the ways in which President Obama's health plan will affect outpatient imaging are currently unknown, we do know that he plans to address what he calls "skyrocketing" healthcare costs, and provider-based outpatient imaging continues to be an obvious target for reimbursement cuts.

So how can outpatient imaging centers thrive in this new healthcare environment? In this month's Insider Exclusive, we bring you insights on this topic from M. Shane Foreman, founder and owner of 3d Health, a Chicago-based firm that provides consulting services to healthcare providers.

Foreman presented his take on some upcoming trends in outpatient imaging at this month's Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) imaging center conference in New Orleans -- click here for the article. As an Imaging Center Insider subscriber, you have access to Foreman's analysis well before the rest of our members.

When you've finished, peruse the rest of our Imaging Center Digital Community news, especially how imaging industry advocates are lobbying against further Medicare reimbursement cuts. Check out contributing writer Rick Dana Barlow's two-part series about imaging and the economic crisis, and read one (anonymous) doctor's take on self-referral. Finally, find out why decision-support software cuts imaging procedure volume.

As always, if you have a comment or report to share about any aspect of diagnostic imaging practice, management, administration, regulation, or financing, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

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