Rads need to improve hospital relationships

The American College of Radiology's (ACR) task force on relationships between radiology groups and hospitals has proposed several steps that can help improve relations between radiologists and the healthcare systems they service, according to an article in the June issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology.

Most U.S. radiologists are affiliated with hospital-based practices, and this makes healthy professional relationships between radiologists and hospitals crucial, according to lead author Dr. Cynthia Sherry of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas (JACR, June 2010, Vol. 7:6).

Tensions between hospitals and radiologists have been increasing as pressure to cut healthcare costs climbs, according to Sherry. ACR's task force suggests that radiologists rededicate themselves to the concept of service; become more visible to patients, referring physicians, and hospital administration; and offer additional services such as expanded hours of onsite coverage, greater number of available radiologists, more subspecialization, and more opportunities for consultation with referring physicians and their patients, according to the study.

Related Reading

ACR seeks GAO self-referral review, April 23, 2010

ACR asks Senate for Medicare fix, April 22, 2010

ACR offers imaging appropriateness app, April 14, 2010

ACR launches breast MRI program, April 9, 2010

ACR's RTOG names Gilbert as co-chair, April 7, 2010

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