The U.S. Senate Finance Committee reached an agreement last evening to delay a 21% mandated cut in physician reimbursements.
The proposal from Sen. Max Baucus (D-MN), committee chairman, would provide a 2.2% increase in the physician fee schedule between June 1, 2010, and November 30, 2010. Beginning December 1, 2010, the increase would be rescinded and the 21% sustainable growth rate (SGR) reduction would go into effect.
Earlier this week, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) directed its contractors to continue holding Medicare claims for processing until June 17, pending congressional action that would further delay the 21% mandated cut in physician reimbursements. The full U.S. Senate may vote on the proposed delay as soon as today.
Related Reading
CMS extends Medicare claim hold, June 14, 2010
Another SGR deadline expected to expire, May 28, 2010
Congress tries again to pass longer-term SGR fix, May 20, 2010
ACR asks Senate for Medicare fix, April 22, 2010
Obama signs bill averting 21% Medicare pay cut, April 16, 2010
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