Working with millennials | Top 3D printing stories of 2016 | Radiologist tracks tornadoes

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Working with members of the millennial generation can be a frustrating experience if you're not sure what to expect. But you can minimize generational conflict and maximize workplace harmony by following six simple steps.

That's according to a new article we're featuring in our Imaging Leaders Community, based on an article in the Journal of the American College of Radiology. The authors suggest that millennials aren't so different from other generations -- they just have different work habits and expectations.

For example, millennials value mentoring, and they prefer feedback in real-time rather than delivered in fire-hose fashion in an annual review. Learn about other tips for managing millennials by clicking here, or go to

Top 3D printing stories of 2016

What were the top stories in 3D printing for 2016? This fascinating and evolving discipline saw a host of exciting developments during the year, so it's hard to narrow it down to just 10.

Fortunately, neuroradiologist Dr. Jenny Chen of healthcare 3D printing organization 3DHeals has done just that in an article we're featuring in our Advanced Visualization Community. The story chronicles the news in 3D printing that generated headlines during the year, from Stryker's big investment in 3D printing to Organovo's launch of a product focusing on kidney tissue.

Find out what the top stories were by clicking here, or visit the community at

Radiologist tracks tornadoes

Finally, don't leave before you've had a chance to read a new article on a Nebraska radiologist who chases tornadoes for fun. Dr. Derek Burdeny got hooked on storm chasing six years ago, and in the past year he photographed 23 tornadoes. Find out what drives him -- and take a look at his amazing pictures -- by clicking here.

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