Links to X-ray teaching files

The following are links to selected Teaching Files involving the use of radiography. Just click on the link to go directly to the case. For a full directory of Teaching Files, visit our Teaching Files home page.

A still-born infant delivered at 40 weeks that could not be revived in the delivery room

Fourty-four year old with a family history of pre-menopausal breast carcinoma

Three-month-old child is referred for a skeletal survey for a possible skeletal dysplasia

Sixty-year old female with long history of difficulty walking, easy fatigability, and tenderness along the midshaft of her long bones

Fifteen-year-old boy with several weeks of pain

Fifty-year-old female with back pain and recent diagnosis of breast cancer

You are handed a PA and lateral chest x-ray examination. The X-ray request says "pre-op"

Forty-five-year-old male patient with renal problems and hypercalcemia

Fifty-year-old man injured in car accident years ago now with right leg mass

Seventy-year-old female who presented to her primary care physician for a recent exaceberation of asthma

Young adult male presents with vague abdominal pain

Unrestrained teenager in a high speed MVA

It's 1952 and you are visiting M*A*S*H unit 4077. Dr. Hawkeye Pierce seeks your consultation regarding a local child with numbness in his forearms and hands

Adult male with worsening dyspnea and recent episode of hemoptysis

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