Orthopedic Radiology: A Practical Approach

Orthopedic Radiology: A Practical Approach by Adam Greenspan
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1999, $199

Orthopedic Radiology: A Practical Approach divides the specialty into six key parts: trauma, arthritides, tumors, metabolic and endocrine, and congenital and developmental anomalies. The introductory section includes pertinent information on the role of the radiologist and the different imaging modalities as they relate to clinical practice.

The text in this well-illustrated 954-page book is clearly written, and the radiographic reproductions are superb. The images are often accompanied by detailed line drawings to demonstrate the findings. The unmarked original images are crucial when borrowing pictures for unknown case presentations. The legends are complete and helpful.

Multiple illustrated tables help organize the contents. In addition, each chapter ends with a section of Practical Points to Remember, which reminds the reader of the crucial take-home messages. Finally, there is an exhaustive list of suggested readings that will satisfy even the most voracious resident.

Greenspan's text is clearly not meant to replace Dr. Donald’s Resnick's six-volume encyclopedic set on musculoskeletal imaging, nor Brandt and Helms' Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology. But it does strike an excellent balance between the two works. Although it can't be stuffed into a lab coat pocket, it doesn’t require a wheelbarrow to transport it, either.

This book definitely deserves some dedicated shelf space in the ER. Despite its outward disguise as a coffee table book, other radiologists and physicians at our institution have already tried to borrow it to make copies of their own.

By Dr. Kevin Duwe
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer

Dr. Duwe is the chief resident in diagnostic radiology at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University, New York City.

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