Fundamentals of Chest Radiology by Loren Ketai, Richard Lofgren, Andrew Meholic, 2nd ed.
Elsevier Science, St. Louis, 2006, $59.95
In the preface to this second edition, the authors write: "We hope readers view materials in our text as (Winston) Churchill views quotations in Bartlett’s -- As words that 'give you good thoughts...and also make you anxious to read...and look for more'." I think they have accomplished their goal.
Fundamentals of Chest Radiology has 14 chapters that vary in length from 13 to 30 pages. This introduction to basic chest imaging is geared toward clinicians, medical students, and first-year radiology residents. The topics include basic imaging, normal variants, and lung parenchymal terminology. It also covers specific disease processes including neoplasm, infection, and chest wall and cardiovascular disease.
Each chapter explains the disease process, anatomy and then shows the radiographic interpretation. The images -- plain-film, CT, and MRI -- are on high gloss paper and are well annotated. However, the images are small and can be difficult to see.
At the end of each chapter there are "Pearls for Clinicians" that offer a brief summary of the salient points of the preceding material. There are also several excellent diagrams and tables, as well as algorithms that explain what tests or procedures to order in various clinical scenarios.
Ironically, despite the stated goal of urging readers to seek more information, the authors do not include any suggestions for additional reading. Future editions of this book would benefit from references to specific journals or other textbooks.
In comparison to other elementary chest books, such as Felson’s Principles of Chest Roentgenology, Fundamentals offers more didactic information, as well as additional imaging and diagrams. While Felson’s is more interactive, Fundamentals is in a traditional format. For someone who wants a general introduction to chest radiology, this book is a good starting point.
By Dr. Benjamin contributing writer
February 8, 2006
Dr. Hom is an intern at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, WA. He will begin a radiology residency at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville in 2006.
The opinions expressed in this review are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of
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