Residents Insider

Dear Residents Insider,

Anxiety hangs in the air like a knife as doctors ponder changes under healthcare reform. Top of mind are any cuts to Medicare reimbursement that will affect healthcare going forward.

At the same time, however, there seems to be little awareness of whether graduate medical education will change along with patient care -- except, perhaps, from Dr. Martha Mainiero, who warns that budget cuts could have a major impact on how residents are trained. Training budgets are likely to be reduced precisely when healthcare reform is placing new demands on resident training, she said.

Learn how graduate medical education is expected to change in this issue's Insider Exclusive, available to you days before our other members can access the article.

And wouldn't you know, it turns out that money worries are also keeping radiology residents up at night. A new study found that debt and financial scarcity were contributing to burnout. One factor in particular made two people in the same situation react very differently. Find out what it was by clicking here.

What could possibly be worse for residents than money trouble? Maybe a sense of isolation, or even a lack of respect for radiology from other medical specialties, according to an article you'll find here.

Finally, from the happy news department, radiology residents in Colorado love their new tricked-out iPads. The devices are loaded with radiology-specific apps, weightless electronic textbooks, and links to just about everything else a resident could need for the next several years, according to the study team from Aurora. The group put a lot of thought into which resources would benefit residents the most and how to update everything seamlessly. Learn more by clicking here.

Be sure to stay tuned to your Residents Digital Community for the latest news -- both happy and sad -- that affects your radiology residency.

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