Nycomed reports healthy imaging growth

Nycomed Amersham's medical imaging business reported healthy growth in revenue and operating profit for 1999 (end-December 31), the Buckinghamshire, U.K. pharmaceutical company reports.

For the year, Nycomed's imaging business recorded sales of $1.15 billion, compared with $1.05 billion the year before, representing 9% growth (including the effects of exchange rate fluctuations). The division's operating profit was $280.9 million, up 4%.

Nycomed Amersham enjoyed growth across all its product lines, and saw particularly strong results in the second half of the year. Nycomed's x-ray contrast products recorded revenues of $421.4 million, up 5%, while MRI contrast agents saw a 20% sales increase, to $84.4 million. The company's radiopharmaceutical business produced revenue of $405.2 million, and its radiation therapy products generated $99.5 million in sales.

By staff writers
March 1, 2000

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