Selected SCAR 2002 presentations/events for Thursday, May 2

2002 05 02 13 20 17 706

The opening session of the 19th Symposium for Computer Applications in Radiology begins with a welcome by annual meeting program committee chair Dr. Byrn Williamson, Jr. and SCAR chairman Dr. Arvin Robinson.

The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Michael Modic, chairman of radiology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. In his talk, "Virtual imaging: reality or fantasy," Modic will describe the benefits and adverse experiences in the evolution of a geographically distributed electronic environment, according to SCAR.

Following a short break, a special session on computer-aided detection (CAD) in medical imaging, chaired by Dr. Heber MacMahon from the University of Chicago, will investigate the role and current status of CAD in medical image interpretation.

SCAR's didactic educational curriculum, SCAR University, kicks off Thursday morning with introductory courses on digital imaging: CR and DR, electronic storage media, and new approaches to digital image display. SCAR U senior sessions on productivity/workflow are also scheduled.

In a lunch session, SCAR will host a live version of its Expert Hotline. Experts will respond directly to audience questions, and will also discuss hot topics from previously submitted questions. The symposium's first series of scientific sessions begin after lunch, with concurrent sessions on experiential, image acquisition/QA, and infrastructure/architecture topics slated.

In the late afternoon, SCAR U resumes with senior sessions on speech recognition, and introductory courses on hardware and software advances for storage and display, resolution requirements for digital image interpretation, and optimizing CR/DR images. Thursday's activities close with an opening reception hosted in the exhibit hall.

8:00-9:30 a.m.: Opening session: "Virtual imaging: reality or fantasy"

10:00-12 p.m.: Special session: Computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging

10:00-12 p.m.: SCAR University senior session: Productivity/workflow

10:00-12 p.m.: SCAR University introductory courses

12:00-1 p.m.: The Expert Hotline -- live

1:30-3 p.m.: Scientific session: Experiential

1:30-3 p.m.: Scientific session: Image acquisition/QA

1:30-3 p.m.: Scientific session: Infrastructure and administration

3:30-5:30 p.m.: SCAR University senior session: Speech recognition

3:30-5:30 p.m.: SCAR University introductory courses

5:30-7:30 p.m.: Opening reception -- exhibit hall

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