Should the RSNA move to a new date?

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

No event casts a longer shadow over global radiology than the Radiological Society of North America’s annual meeting in Chicago. The conference is radiology’s Super Bowl, a showcase of research and technology that has become an indispensable part of our specialty.

But the timing of the RSNA meeting has long irked many U.S. radiology professionals. Its traditional starting date -- the first Sunday after the Thanksgiving holiday -- cuts into the only consistent four-day holiday weekend on the U.S. calendar. Grumbling about the meeting dates has become as common as complaining about the November weather in Chicago.

But the RSNA is taking steps to address the issue. Late last month the Oak Brook, IL, society launched a survey to a sample of its membership, asking for their opinions on moving the show to a new date.

As reported by staff editor Erik L. Ridley, the RSNA is asking for feedback on several alternate meeting dates, including earlier in November, the second week in December, and the last week in July. The society is also asking members to rate their preferences on other possible changes to the conference’s format.

No matter what happens, the current format would remain in place until 2007, due to the existing conference schedule at McCormick Place. Get the rest of the details here.

If you’re one of the lucky RSNA members who received the survey, make sure your opinion counts by filling it out and returning it to the RSNA. If you didn’t get an official survey, you can still make your voice heard by participating in an informal poll that AuntMinnie is conducting on the issue. Just go to to vote.

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