Minnies 2003 semifinal candidates

Below are the candidates for the 2003 edition of the Minnies, AuntMinnie.com's campaign to recognize the best and brightest in medical imaging. This year's campaign featured 244 candidates in 17 categories.

Most Influential Radiology Researcher
Jorge Barrio, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Jason Birnholz, Diagnostic Ultrasound Consultants
Dr. Rachel Brem, George Washington University
Dr. Jörg Debatin, University Hospital Essen, Germany
Dr. Lane Donnelly, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Dr. Jeff Geschwind, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Barry Goldberg, Thomas Jefferson University
Dr. Charles Higgins, University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Andrei Holodny, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Willi Kalender, Ph.D., University of Erlangen-NĂĽrnberg, Germany
Dr. Emmanuel Kanal, University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth Krupinski, Ph.D., University of Arizona
Dr. Kyongtae Bae, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
Dr. Nestor Muller, Vancouver General Hospital
Dr. Andrew Newberg, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Narinder Paul, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Bruce Reiner, Baltimore VA Medical Center
Dr. Martine Rémy-Jardin, Université de Lille, France
Dr. Jean-Louis Sablayrolles, Centre de Cardiologie du Nord, Paris, France
Dr. Mitch Schnall, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Mark Schweitzer, Hospital for Joint Diseases
Dr. Anthony Siebert, University of California, Davis
Dr. Barry Siegel, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
Dr. Eliot Siegel, University of Maryland
Jonathan Sunshine, Ph.D., American College of Radiology
Dr. Laszlo Tabar, University of Uppsala & Falun Central Hospital, Sweden

Most Effective Radiology Educator
Kathleen Andriole, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Dennis Balfe, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
Dr. Douglas Beall, University of Oklahoma
Dr. Walter Berdon, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Dr. William Bradley, University of California, San Diego
Dr. Marvin Chasen, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Laura Fayad, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Dennis Foley, Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Carl Fuhrman, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jeff Galvin, University of Maryland Medical Center
Dr. Marc Gosselin, Oregon Health & Science University
Dr. Bruce Hillman, University of Virginia
Dr. Phillippe Jeanty, Vanderbilt University
Dr. Daniel Kopans, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Donna Magid, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Ian Malcolm, University of South Alabama
Dr. Alan Maurer, Temple University
Dr. Steve Parker, Sally Jobe Breast Network
Dr. Ravi Ramakantan, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
Dr. Donald Resnick, University of California, San Diego
Dr. Geoffrey Rubin, Stanford University
Dr. Wendy Smoker, University of Iowa
Dr. Robert Stanley, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Most Effective Radiologic Technologist Educator
Robert Adams, University of North Carolina
Joie Burns, Boise State University
Gerald Cummings, Athens Technical College
Stephanie Ellingson, University of Iowa
Ruben Fonseca, Baptist Health System
Frances Gilman, Thomas Jefferson University
Steve Halligan, St. Mark's Hospital
Frances Keech, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Margaret King, Wake Radiology
Eileen Maloney, Passaic County Community College
Galen Miller, Mid-Michigan Community College
Kathleen Murphy, Gateway Community College
Mary Anne Owen, Medical College of Georgia
Patrick Patterson, Manatee Community College
Judy Rose, Merced College
Heather Russell, Mercy College of Northwest Ohio
Dawn Sturk, Hurley Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology
Jane Van Valkenburg, Weber State University

Most Effective Radiology Administrator/Manager
Gordon Ah Tye, Kaweah Delta Health Care District
Monte Clinton, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Tom Cooper, Michigan State University
Gregory Cooper, Richardson Medical Center
Mel Estrada, Southwest General Hospital
Dan Fisk, St. Paul's Hospital
Fred Gaschen, Radiological Associates of Sacramento
Don Padgett, Children’s Hospital of California
Sam Potts, Longmont United Hospital
Jeffrey Schaefer, University of Arizona
Sheila Sferrella, Lehigh Valley Hospital

Best Radiologist Training Program
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Duke University, Durham, NC
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, MO
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, MN
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
University of Texas, Houston, TX
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

Best Radiologic Technologist Training Program
Athens Technical College, Athens, GA
Baptist Health System, San Antonio, TX
Baptist Medical System, Little Rock, AR
City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Fresno City College, Fresno, CA
Manatee Community College, Bradenton, FL
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio, Toledo, OH
Methodist Hospital, Memphis, TN
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Wharton County Junior College, Wharton, TX
Weber State University, Ogden, UT

Most Significant News Event in Radiology
Appointment of Dr. Nora Volkow to head National Institute on Drug Abuse
Clinical validation of PET/CT scanners
"Katie Couric effect" raises colon-screening rates
Deadline for HIPAA transaction standards
Decrease in private-practice job listings
Establishment of radiologist assistant (RA) position
FDA ruling opens door to new PACS storage options
Impact of the Internet on radiology
Malpractice crisis and its impact on mammography
Offshore radiologists reading U.S. studies
Ongoing shortage of qualified staff
Resident work hours limited to 80 per week
RSNA considers date change for annual meeting
Growth of whole-body CT screening exams

Biggest Threat to Radiology
Decline in Medicare and third-party reimbursement rates
Increased use of medical imaging by physicians in other specialties (turf battles)
Malpractice insurance crisis
Offshore radiologists reading U.S. studies
Ongoing shortage of qualified staff
Shortage of radiologists entering academic radiology

Hottest Clinical Procedure
3-D ultrasound
Accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) breast brachytherapy
Breast MRI
CAD for lung cancer detection
Cardiac CT
Cardiac MRI
Hybrid PET/CT scanning
Image-guided thermal ablation
Sentinel lymph node vs. axillary dissection
Virtual colonoscopy
Weight-bearing MRI
Whole-body CT screening

Scientific Paper of the Year
A Rosetta stone for coronary calcium risk stratification: Agatston, volume, and mass scores in 11,490 individuals. Rumberger et al, AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003 Sep;181(3):743-8.

Cancer risk from low-level radiation, Cohen B. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002;179:1137-1143.

Comparison of whole-body MRI with whole-body dual-modality PET/CT for tumor staging in oncology, Antoch, G et al, RSNA 2002 presentation.

Computer-aided detection of lung cancer on chest radiographs: differences in the interpretation time of radiologists showing versus not showing improvement with CAD, SPIE Medical Imaging 2003 Symposium, February 2003.

Feasibility of ultra-low-dose multislice CT colonography for the detection of colorectal lesions: preliminary experience. Iannaccone et al. Eur Radiol. 2003 Jun;13(6):1297-302.

Low-dose CT of the abdomen: evaluation of image improvement with use of noise reduction filters pilot study. Kalra et al. Radiology. 2003 Jul;228(1):251-6.

Lung cancer screening with CT: Mayo Clinic experience. Swensen et al. Radiology Mar;226(3):756-761.

Mammography service screening and mortality in breast cancer patients: 20-year follow-up before and after introduction of screening. Tabar et al. Lancet. 2003 Apr 26;361(9367):1405-10.

Nephrotoxic effects in high-risk patients undergoing angiography. Aspelin et al. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:491-499.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome: radiographic review of 40 probable cases in Toronto, Canada, Grinblat et al. Radiology. 2003 Sep;228(3):802-9.

Sydney Breast Imaging Accuracy Study: Comparative sensitivity and specificity of mammography and sonography in young women with symptoms. Houssami et al. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003 Apr;180(4):935-40.

Technical considerations integrating PET/CT into a traditional PACS environment, Leal et al, Society of Nuclear Medicine annual conference, June 2003.

Women need better information about routine mammography. Thornton et al. BMJ. 2003 Jul 12;327(7406):101-3.

Best New Radiology Product
4D Cardio-View cardiac ultrasound software, TomTec Imaging Systems
Accuvix XQ ultrasound scanner, Medison
Aquilion 16 CFX 16-slice cardiac CT scanner, Toshiba Medical Systems
Axiom Artis dFC magnetic navigation system, Siemens Medical Solutions
CADStream breast MRI CAD software, Confirma
CXDI-50G portable direct radiography sensor, Canon Medical Systems
DirectView PACS System 5, Eastman Kodak Health Imaging
Discovery ST Mobile PET/CT scanner, GE Medical Systems
DOME C5i five-megapixel flat-panel display, Planar Systems
Epex Symphony digital radiography system, Hologic
Excelart Vantage 1.5-tesla MRI scanner, Toshiba Medical Systems
Gemini PET/CT scanner, Philips Medical Systems
ImageChecker CT lung CAD system, R2 Technology
Imagecast image management software, IDX Systems
Initia CR 1000 computed radiography system, Agfa HealthCare
iQ CAD mammography CAD system, iCAD
Hi Vision 8500 ultrasound system, Hitachi Medical Systems
LifeWeb RIS/PACS software, Ferrania Imaging Technologies
Quantum QV-800 universal digital x-ray system, Quantum Medical Imaging
RapidScreen Digital lung CAD system, Deus Technologies
Reveal XVI PET/CT scanner, CTI Molecular Imaging
Second Look AD mammography CAD system, CADx Systems
Synapse 3.0 PACS software, Fujifilm Medical Systems
TalkNotes RAD radiology reporting software, ProVox Technologies
Technos MPX ultrasound scanner, Biosound Esaote
Titan ultrasound scanner, SonoSite
Xpress CR computed radiography system, Konica Medical Systems

Best New Radiology Vendor
Actuality Systems
OpenMed Technologies
ProVox Technologies
VisEn Medical

(Click on the links above to learn more about each candidate)

Most Influential Radiology Executive
Jack Coats, Nucletron
Dr. Raymond Damadian, Fonar
Randy Dobbs, Philips Medical Systems North America
John Glass, Agfa HealthCare
Joe Hogan, GE Medical Systems
Hiromitsu Igarashi, Toshiba America Medical Systems
Dan Kerpelman, Eastman Kodak Health Imaging
Mike Klein, R2 Technology
Takushi Nasu, Fujifilm Medical Systems USA
Erich Reinhardt, Siemens Medical Solutions
Steve Rogers, CADx Systems

Best Service Company -- OEM
Agfa HealthCare
Eastman Kodak Health Imaging
Fujifilm Medical Systems USA
GE Medical Systems
Hitachi Medical Systems America
Instrumentarium Imaging
Konica Medical Imaging
Philips Medical Systems North America
Siemens Medical Solutions
Toshiba America Medical Systems

Best Service Company -- Third Party
Clinical Image Management Systems
Computed Imaging Service
Genesis Technology Partners
JDI Solutions
Modern Biomedical & Imaging
SourceOne Healthcare Technologies
Summit X-Ray

Best Use of the Web -- Imaging Services Provider
Brigham Radiology
Fairfax Radiology Consultants
Manatee Diagnostic Center
Medical College of Wisconsin
Saint Agnes Medical Center
Suburban Radiology
Thomas Jefferson University
Union Memorial Hospital
University of California, San Francisco
University of Chicago
University of PISA Radiology

(Click on the links above to learn more about each candidate)

Best Use of the Web -- Vendor
CADx Systems
GE Medical Systems
Philips Medical Systems North America
Siemens Medical Solutions
Toshiba America Medical Systems

(Click on the links above to learn more about each candidate)
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