Business & Industry Radiology Insider

It's not easy launching a new company, especially one with a cutting-edge technology that's still struggling for market acceptance. In this edition's Insider Exclusive, we feature the story of one such firm that found its product launch plans complicated not once but twice -- first by the collapse of the stock-market bubble in 2000 and then by the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Dear Business & Industry Insider,

It's not easy launching a new company, especially one with a cutting-edge technology that's still struggling for market acceptance. In this edition's Insider Exclusive, we feature the story of one such firm that found its product-launch plans complicated not once but twice -- first by the collapse of the stock-market bubble in 2000 and then by the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Both events crimped the firm's ability to raise cash, and the company struggled to remain viable until it negotiated a round of investment capital that put it back on its feet. The firm is now back in action with a new dedicated breast imaging gamma camera that it hopes will prove superior to scintimammography performed on whole-body SPECT units.

Learn all about the company's story, and its technology, by clicking here.

In other Business & Industry news, we're featuring the latest installment of AuntMinnie's IMV MarketStat, our ongoing series of important imaging industry data benchmarks from market research firm IMV Medical Information Division.

Our newest MarketStat surveys the installed base for gamma cameras, indicating that dual-head systems now comprise fully half of the U.S. market. See for yourself by clicking here.

Other recent MarketStats cover the proportion of filmless procedures being conducted in the U.S., available here, and CT procedure volume at different imaging sites, here.

If you've got a tip on a story you'd like to see covered in the Business & Industry Digital Community, or are interested in submitting an article to, just drop me a line, at [email protected].

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