Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites

Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites by Ronald G. Zagoria, 2nd ed.
Elsevier Science, St. Louis, 2004, $96

While the pathology and treatment of genitourinary (GU) diseases has largely remained unchanged in the last decade, the way we diagnose and image these processes is dramatically different. The first version of Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites pre-dated much of this revolution. The current edition bridges that gap, while preserving the succinct descriptions, table summaries, and concise reviews we've come to expect from this iconic series.

Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites begins with a review of pertinent imaging modalities, their role in GU imaging, and normal anatomy as seen with each modality. There is a chapter dedicated to congenital anomalies, followed by individual chapters that address renal masses, medical renal disease, the collecting system and bladder pathology, adrenal lesions, and female and male genital tract disorders. The concluding chapter addresses interventional procedures in GU radiology.

While renal tomography and scintigraphy are certainly present in this text, the vast majority of pathology is represented with modern sonographic, CT, and MRI images.  The image quality is generally quite good; however, some of the plain films are too small to adequately see the represented pathology. Illustrations are effectively used throughout the text.

Genitourinary Radiology: The Requisites would serve as an excellent nuts-and-bolts review prior to boards. The salient synopses of key points, and the informative chapter on interventional techniques, make this a particularly worthwhile read for any resident during their GU rotation.

By Dr. Daniel Reidman contributing writer
October 4, 2004

Dr. Reidman is a radiology resident at the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA.

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