ASRT Foundation grows its research grants

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Foundation has established a new, multitiered funding structure for research grants.

In spring 2019, a New Researcher Award will give up to $3,000 to an aspiring researcher who has never received a research grant or been first author of a peer-reviewed article. In addition to the grant, new researchers may receive upon request free access to two online resources: Research and Writing Essentials and How to Write a Winning Research Grant. Applications for the grant are due by January 25, 2019.

In the second tier of the funding structure, in fall 2019, an Emerging Researcher Award will fund up to $4,000 to an individual who has received up to one previous research grant. The goal is to provide early-stage researchers with an opportunity to expand their research capabilities. Applications for the grants are due by June 27, 2019. More details will be available in spring 2019.

In tier three, the ASRT Foundation continues to offer the traditional research grant opportunities for projects up to $10,000 or up to $25,000 for experienced researchers. The $25,000 level grant is a two-year pilot program launched earlier this year.

Since 1988, the ASRT Foundation has supported more than three dozen technologist-initiated research projects across North America. A letter of intent for the grant is due by January 25, 2019, for consideration in the spring round of funding or June 27, 2019, for consideration in the fall round.

More details can be found at

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