Week in review: SNMMI 2024 coverage | ‘Real-world’ CT lung cancer screening | SalaryScan

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The ongoing rise of theranostics and developments in AI generated a lot of buzz at the annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) earlier this week. Not surprisingly, our content on those topics from SNMMI 2024 figured prominently on this week’s list of top stories.

The most highly viewed article, however, revealed the society’s prestigious Image of the Year award, which was presented for a PET image revealing brain nuclei activity. Associate Editor Will Morton also spoke with the project's principal investigator, Richard Carson, PhD, of Yale University, to learn more about his team's efforts and the dedicated brain PET scanner that produced the winning image. You can access that interview by clicking here.

Other popular SNMMI stories described how a new radiotracer can effectively image cardiac amyloidosis on SPECT/CT exams and how AI algorithms – including large language models – can help out in nuclear medicine.

Stop by our special SNMMI 2024 RADCast section for more articles and video interviews from the Toronto conference.

Meanwhile, our second-most viewed article of the week reported on new research demonstrating the life-saving benefits of CT lung cancer screening in the real world. A study involving over 57,000 U.S. veterans found rates of early diagnosis almost twice as high among those who had received low-dose CT lung cancer screening as those who did not. What’s more, those who had received screening had lower death rates. Click here for our full report.

As mentioned in our last Week in Review, AuntMinnie.com has officially unveiled 25 for 25, a new series that will feature the most popular story each year since our launch at the 1999 RSNA meeting. Click here for our first 25 for 25 article. New articles will be published each Monday, culminating at RSNA 2024 for our 25th anniversary.

Finally, we’re also excited to present SalaryScan, our annual initiative that provides our members with the latest data on compensation and benefits in radiology. Please take a few minutes now to fill out this short survey. As always, your responses will be kept totally anonymous and will help to produce the most accurate results.

See below for the full list of our top stories of the week:

  1. SNMMI: Image of the Year shows early brain nuclei activity
  2. ‘Real-world’ study confirms that lung cancer screening saves lives
  3. SNMMI: Can ChatGPT start an IV line?
  4. SNMMI: New SPECT/CT radiotracer effectively images cardiac amyloidosis
  5. SNMMI: Carson discusses Image of the Year
  6. fMRI reveals infants' ‘scent of cuteness’
  7. SNMMI: Siemens launches new PET/CT scanner
  8. SNMMI: Lu-177 PSMA-617 shines for taxane-naive prostate cancer
  9. ACS: States with higher lung cancer burden show low screening rates
  10. AuntMinnie 1999: Managed care, Medicare cuts hamper radiologist research, patient care
  11. SNMMI: Nuclear medicine experiencing an ‘industrial revolution’
  12. Weekend admission for TIPS procedure tied to higher mortality
  13. CT-based BMD assessment benefits men, too
  14. Women favorable toward paired lung, breast cancer screening
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